
Anonymous's picture

These pictures are meant as references for art pieces. whether or not you find something attractive is completely unimportant. If you want to draw a "perfect" model I suggest you go elsewhere. (and for the record I think this model is absolutely lovely)

Anonymous's picture

her sex is really awful, the "fente" in the front is really bizarrr !

Anonymous's picture

Your opinion is the only bizarre thing here. Clearly your only source of info on female reproductive anatomy is what you have seen in idealized and exaggerated porn or on a barbie doll, or perhaps shaving is not common where you are from and you have never deduced what lies below a woman's pubic hair. What makes this series beautiful is that women (and all of our parts, including our labia) come in all varieties, and those differences make us unique and fascinating individuals.

This model's "fente" is as cute as a button. I find it very low for you to hurl such a specific insult that claims otherwise.

Signed, another beautiful fente

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