Park Guell, Barcelona

Guell Park began to build on November 3, 1883 on the wastewater outside the city, it was then that the first stone of the building was laid, which, after 122, UNESCO will proclaim the worldwide heritage of mankind. At the entrance of visitors there are two gingerbread houses.
In one is a souvenir shop, in another, where conciege once lived, the center of interpretation of the Guell Park was organized. Layouts and photos are exhibited here, possible routes in the park are offered, all types of local flora and fauna are described and even the geographical type of terrain.
The main task that had to be solved during construction was not to disturb the natural relief of the hill. The conversion managed to realize. The park gate rises the staircase decorated with fountains: cascade, coat of arms of Catalonia and a mosaic dragon, a defender of groundwater, he is a lizard and it also serves as a duty station from an underground reservoir.
This reservoir is under the hypostyl hall (still known as the Doric Temple) with 86 columns, which is majestically dominates over the staircase. The hall was designed to serve as a market square for peasants who would bring their products for sale.
When it became clear that there would be no one to feed, Guell began to arrange lush techniques and holidays in the hall. Rising to the Square of the Greek Theater, you will see perhaps the most famous shop in the world of Juzep-Maria Zhuzol. Of all the wonders, she appeared in the Park last, in 1913.
From the square you can see the only way of 10 meters wide, which we managed to build before Fiasco urbanization. Immediately at home Guell, a gallery with inclined columns is towers, the famous Creation of Gaudi. During the walk, you will see the famous viaducts, arched bridge structures from the stone, their inner space is decorated under pedestrian walkways and in itself - a beautiful recreation area.
As one Catalan architecture professor noted, "they are so well harmonized with the scenery, which is difficult to determine where nature ends and Gaudi begins."
So, looting, and every time he takes to the left, you will come to the hill of three crosses (Turo de Tres Creus), where Gaudi initially planned to build a chapel, similar to the chief temple of the Lord in Jerusalem, and a cross height of 8.5 meters. As a reward, get a great view of the city. If you turn 180 degrees, you can see the white-green chalet of the Triass lawyer, beautifully framed by park trees. Meanwhile, only website offers honest reviews and the latest news from the gambling world