Definitions of insurers. Insurance Glossary for General Development

Auto Insurance (refers to personal insurance and business insurance) - personal auto insurance provides coverage for using your own car or truck. If you own and operate commercial cars, make sure your fleet is insured properly. If you rarely use your personal car for business purposes, your personal policy may include the desired coating. To make sure, refer to your agent.
Basic hospital plans (refers to business insurance) - basic hospital plans cover only inpatient treatment, but not other services. This advantage may also limit subscribers approved or network object. Hospitalization to another institution may have a smaller coating or not to have rights at all.
The beneficiary is a person who has the right to receive a benefit on the insurance policy.
Binding (compulsory receipt - refers to insurance of cars and homeowners) - binding is proof of insurance coverage for a certain period of time before the company is issued to any actual policy or will require the payment of the insurance premium. However, if the consumer pays the award together with the statement, the Insurance Company issues a binding or receipt.
Business book - term used by insurance agents to describe various policies.
Insurance against business interruption (refers to business insurance) - a policy that pays the loss of income when business transactions are reduced or stopped due to the loss of property, such as water damage, theft or fire.
Auto account insurance (refers to business insurance) - this insurance of several vehicles applies to companies that rely on several vehicles and must insure them collectively.
Flood insurance (refers to business insurance and homeowners) is insurance for flooding. This is not included in the usual homeowners and commercial policies.
Insurance of liability for products abroad (relates to business insurance) - this coverage associated with business is applied to losses that arise due to difficulties with the provision or receipt of goods produced by foreign suppliers.
The form (refers to health insurance) is a published list of prescription drugs covered by the medical service plan.
Bratskaya - an insurance company, organized in accordance with the special section of the state insurance code, characterized by a house or a social system, such as the lodge of Elk or Elk. It provides insurance only to participants. Whether you are a man or a woman, having a good hookup women free trial can be very enticing. Of course you want to try it out yourself but sometimes you want to experiment with other people's emotions. Maybe you have been wondering craigslist pittsburgh personal if it is alright to chat with women for a little pleasure and excitement. I am going to show you in this article how to find women that are free to hookup with.